Student thinkers, doers, disrupters. Creating change one conversation at a time.

As the world becomes more complex, black and white must be traded in for finer shades of nuance.

The Ethics Bowl challenges students to approach difficult, often divisive topics with nuance and empathy, confidence and humility.
See the Ethics Bowl Way in Action...

“I used to think this case was kind of dry. But now, I’m not so sure. There are so many directions this could go, and that’s a little scary. But also a little exciting… Looks like I’ve got some thinking to do.”

“The team that reaches the crux of the issue gets my vote.”
“I see what you’re saying, however, our team disagrees on this point. And here’s why…”
“But maybe you can address that if you expanded on this… we can’t wait to hear your response.”

“Actually, we hadn’t considered that. I’d like to revisit our argument and clarify that…”

Let disagreement be the beginning of discussion, not the end.
It is easy to think of disagreement as an impasse, a dead end. But here at the Ethics Bowl, we believe that disagreement presents an opportunity to uncover something deeper about the issue. Those courageous and curious enough to prod further may find their views are not so irreconcilable after all.

Turn ideas into action.
While discussion is important, it is equally paramount to let these ideas inform our actions in the world. The Ethics Bowl asks students to consider difficult questions not only for the sake of discussion, but hopefully, to become agents of change in the world.
Looking For More Ways To Get Involved?
Ethics Bowl relies on volunteers to make it a reality. We are grateful for your recognition and support.