2024 National Champions

South Kamloops School, British Columbia

Debate Club Ethics Bowl

Typical debate encourages bias. It teaches students that defending their tribe’s view is more important than the truth. The Ethics Bowl believes in a better way.

The Joys Of Common Ground

The Ethics Bowl takes a different approach. The Ethics Bowl emphasizes impartial truth-seeking and promotes collaboration and empathy. Students learn to work together. They learn to hear alternative viewpoints. They learn to considerately respond to opposing perspectives. And while the Ethics Bowl is a serious competition, the victors are not those who yell the loudest.

Ethics bowl stats

Prof. Lauren Bialystok

How Our Students Evolve

Evolution of students graphic

Teams appointed from high schools across the country explore timeless questions, applied to the most burning contemporary issues. In this forum of intellectual awakening and open discussion, students develop the one skill that takes them further than any other skill in life – the art of effective communication.

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Deeper Perspective

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Critical Thinking

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Better Listening

The ethics bowl gives 100% when it comes to teacher and team support. At any point in during the season teachers/teams may schedule a one-on-one training session with an ethics bowl advisor who will answer their questions and help their group feel prepared for competition day. Teams may submit their arguments in advance of the competition to an ethics bowl professional to receive feedback and guidance. Lastly, and this is a doozy, teams may schedule practice matches with other schools to get the full ethics bowl experience before the actual competition. The ethics bowl will provide a moderator and tech support for every match.

All of the above is included in the price of registration.

Participating In An Event Near You

Before students earn their spots on the National Stage, they must reason their way through a round or two of local preliminaries, depending on your place of origin. Refer to the tile section below to learn more about enrollment and eligibility requirements for students in your area.

British Columbia flag

British Columbia

Alberta flag


British Columbia flag
New Brunswick flag
New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island flag


Manitoba flag
Ontario flag
Nova Scotia flag
Nova Scotia

Hear Real Stories Of Transformation

“Before the ethics bowl I struggled socially. . . I didn’t have many friends. . After joining ethics bowl I had teammates who became friends. Together we tackled deep, moral issues. I am a more confident and well-rounded person now.”

Ellen Edmonds-Whyte

1st year university student

“Before the ethics bowl I didn’t feel like I had a ‘thing’ or ‘passion’. The bowl gave me something I was good at and a sense of community, especially during the pandemic. The bowl has continued to impact how I think now and about my future.”  

Laila Somani 

1st year university student

“Before the ethics bowl I was extremely shy and anxious to speak in public. I had the ideas, but I couldn’t articulate them. The ethics bowl helped me to overcome this personal challenge by giving the the stage to practice thinking and talking in a structured, safe space.”

Connor Filiault

2nd year university 

Looking For More Ways To Get Involved?

Ethics Bowl relies on volunteers to keep our tournaments alive and well. As new teams register, keeping up with demand is crucial to the longevity and success of our platform. In advance, we are grateful for your recognition and support.

Become a Moderator

Become a Judge

Register a Team