The Ontario Ethics Bowl


Since its inaugural event in March of 2020, the Ontario Ethics Bowl (OEB) has enjoyed explosive growth. With over 600 participating students, 300 judges, and 200+ volunteers, the OEB is a colossal contender on the national stage. 

Ontario teams uniquely benefit from the support of alumni ambassadors, unlimited exhibition matches, and one-on-one feedback from Ethics Bowl representatives. 

Preceding the Ontario Championships are seven regional events hosted at Ontario’s top universities.

Tournament Structure

In Ontario, the journey to becoming Ethics Bowl champions begins at the regional level. Every registered team automatically qualifies for a regional event. Regional qualifiers take place at our partner universities: Western, Guelph, McMaster, University of Toronto, Toronto Metropolitan, Queens, and Carleton. 

The top 16 teams from the qualifiers will compete at the Ontario Championship (OC), and winners of the OC will advance to the National Championship.



January 80, 2030


January 80, 2030


January 80, 2030


January 80, 2030


January 80, 2030


January 80, 2030


January 80, 2030

Ontario Championships

Kingston Secondary School, 2023 Ontario Champions
University of Toronto, Mississauga

In early March, the top 16 regional teams will gather at the University of Toronto, Mississauga, to compete for chance to represent Ontario at the national tournament in the Canadian Museum for Human Rights in April. 



Key Contact:


Jeffrey Senese
General Manager
University of Toronto, Mississauga


“The Ethics Bowl isn’t simply about helping students think abstractly about moral dilemmas, though that’s important. At its best, the Bowl is really about enacting moments of personal and social transformation in the lives of actual, young people.”
— Jeffrey Senese

Resources to Get You Started