Our Host

The Ontario Championship took place at the University of Toronto, Mississauga Campus.


The Ontario Championship. The largest provincial and regional Ethics Bowl event in all of Canada, maybe even in the world, is finally here. On March 22-23 the top 24 teams from an original list of over 100 will gather at the University of Toronto, Mississauga, for what will be a weekend of fierce competition, and rewarding collaboration.

The prize? Two spots at the 2025 National Ethics Bowl Championships in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

The event is open to the public, and will be live-streamed throughout the weekend. If you are interested in attending virtually or in person, please complete the form.

Rest assured, this is the best academic ticket in town. Don’t miss it.

March 22: Round Robin 

March 23: Consciousness and AI | A Special Guest Lecture by Professor Lu-Vada Dunford + Semi Finals and Championship Matches

Maanjiwe nendamowinan Building, university of Toronto, Mississauga

Live-Stream Access

No one should have to miss a minute of the action.

ATTENTION all ethics bowl enthusiasts, the following events at the 2025 UTM Ontario Champion will be fully live-streamed:

1.) Opening ceremony

2.) Special event on civil discourse led by Professor Gurpreet Rattan

3.) Special event on Consciousness and AI led by Professor Lu-Vada Dunford

The live-stream link will be sent only to those who complete the registration form

2025 Ontario Championship


Saturday, March 22


Sunday, March 23



Ethics bowl preliminary round matchplay 10am-5pm. Dinner to follow. 


Final round of match play and championship match: 9:30am-1:00pm. Lunch to follow. 

Financial Support?

Each team receives complimentary 2 complimentary hotel rooms on Saturday night. Teams whose commute exceeds 1.5 hours will receive two additional, complimentary hotel rooms on Friday night. 

All meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) will be provided on Saturday 

Breakfast and lunch will be provided on Sunday. 

Teams are responsible for arranging their own travel to the Ontario Championship. Limited financial support is available to select teams who demonstrate need. 

Watch the Championship Match

Past Champions

Assumption Socrates Smarties with the OC trophy and Director Jeff Senese

Assumption Catholic Secondary School

2024 Champions

Canterbury Secondary School

2021 Ontario Champions + National Finalists 

Kingston Secondary School

2023 Champions

Northern Secondary School 

2022 Ontario + National Champions

Key Contact:

Jeffrey Senese

Co-General Manager, Ethics Bowl Canada

University of Toronto, Mississauga

Email: jeffrey.senese@utoronto.ca


The ethics bowl isn’t simply about helping students think abstractly about moral dilemmas, though that’s important. At its best, the bowl is really about enacting moments of personal and social transformation in the lives of actual, young people. 

" —

Jeffrey Senese




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