Junior Bowl

Saturday, June 1 (virtual)

Looking for more ethics bowl? Experiencing a burning desire to elevate your critical thinking skills? Worry not, the Junior Bowl is here to satisfy those ethical cravings. 

Look no further than École secondaire Kelvin High School (pictured right) for a reason to join the Junior Bowl. The undisputed champions of the 2023 JB, Kelvin marched all the way to the 2024 National Ethics Bowl finals, dazzling judges throughout the week with their insight and encylopedic references. The JB is where Ethics Bowl stars are born.

Register for the Junior Bowl to meet École secondaire Kelvin where they will be defending their JB crown and prepping the next generation of ethics bowl royalty.

École secondaire Kelvin High School
2023 Junior Ethics Bowl Champions
2024 National Ethics Bowl Finalists


Deadline to Register: Friday, May 10

Feedback Sessions

We all know: Getting started on the right path is key when tackling a new project.

For that reason, every Junior Bowl team will receive a one hour training session where an experienced ethics bowl staff member will help your team through the ethics bowl-argument-building process. By the end of your session, teams will have acheived:

1.) A completed argument builder with moral dilemma analysis, supporting reasons, objections, and responses

2.) Extra ‘pro tips’ learned from hundreds of hours of ethics bowl experience

Students should expect the session to be:

A.) Intensive

B.) Rigorous

C.) Detailed

D.) Organized

To prepare for the session, and to maximize their time with the ethics bowl pro, teams should select one case to discuss during the session. This session is for argument building, not refining; in turn, minimal preparation from teams is required, though continuous student-participation during the session is required (and makes the experience more fun for everyone!)


Key Contact:

Jeffrey Senese

General Manager

University of Toronto, Mississauga

Email: jeffrey.senese@utoronto.ca


 The ethics bowl isn’t simply about helping students think abstractly about moral dilemmas, though that’s important. At its best, the bowl is really about enacting moments of personal and social transformation in the lives of actual, young people. 

" —

Jeffrey Senese



Judge Rubric?