Peterborough Regionals
Trent University
Trent University’s Peterborough Campus is excited to host its first regional high school Ethics Bowl tournament in 2025! Trent has always been a university committed to the free and collaborative exchange of ideas, and there could not be a more beautiful setting for ethical discussion than our idyllic campus. The faculty coordinator of the event is Professor Michael Hickson, Chair of the Department of Philosophy, who has very fond memories coaching collegiate Ethics Bowl in the US. Trent is also home to a number of undergraduate students whose high school Ethics Bowl teams performed very well in past regional and national tournaments. With all this Ethics Bowl experience and enthusiasm at Trent, it is time to bring a tournament to Peterborough!

Regionals at Trent University: February 8th
Deadline to Register: October 11
Team Size
3-7 Students
Grades 9-12
One team $350
Two teams $300 (each)
Three teams $250 (each)
1-2 Hours/Week
The winning team qualifies for the Ontario Championship!
Deciding The Winners
The top team (maybe more) from the Hamilton regional automatically qualifies for the Ontario Championship, the premier ethics bowl competition in Ontario hosted this year at the University of Toronto, Mississauga.
Key Contact:
Jeffrey Senese
General Manager
University of Toronto, Mississauga
The ethics bowl isn’t simply about helping students think abstractly about moral dilemmas, though that’s important. At its best, the bowl is really about enacting moments of personal and social transformation in the lives of actual, young people.
" —
Jeffrey Senese